Saturday, May 10, 2014

Prayer for apnea/breathing issues

Greetings again friends and family. Brinley got some more bottle feeding time today with mommy and did very well again. Still just a small amount but it's still positive. We want everyone out there reading this to start praying very specifically right now for Brinley's breathing to become stable; she is having a bunch of episodes of apnea or something like apnea where her oxygen levels drop, sometimes dramatically, then come back up. We're not sure what the cause of this is yet but the doctors are concerned that it may indeed be something neurological. They have started her on caffeine which is used to stimulate development of the part of the brain that controls parts of the breathing process. We'll see in a couple of days if this helps at all. Her lungs still look great so they're pretty sure this doesn't have anything to do with any form of lung disease but we want to get to the bottom of this.

We continue to pray for complete healing for our little girl and we continue to trust in God's grace for each day and what curve balls Brinley throws at us. Pray for me as I was not able to go see her today, having caught what Alessa and Raina had; I need to get better so I can spend some time with my baby. Other than the breathing, which is a pretty major thing of course, Brinley is doing very well. We love and miss her and look forward to bringing her home. Sorry, no new pictures or videos today. Once again, thank you all! You are all so appreciated! A special thanks to those who came over and helped us with yard and house work today; you rock!

1 comment:

  1. The breathing normalization process helps breathing patients to improve their breathing just doing some breathing exercises on a daily basis. You can join our Breathing Normalization courses to sort out your breathing issues. For more information, contact us:
