Thursday, May 8, 2014

First trach change

Yesterday was our little Brinley's 2 week birthday! And what a couple of weeks they have been; the most trying of our lives. I'll get right down to it: today Brinley had her first trach change (just a short while ago as I type this) and it went very smooth. She took it like a champ. After it was done she started singing "Let it Go" from Frozen and it is still stuck in my head (thanks Brinley).

Brinley prayer needs:

  • Her O2 saturation keeps dipping down. It is just briefly before it comes back up but we'd like to see that more stable.
  • Mouth feeding attempts should start in the next few days so pray that goes well.
  • Her genetic newborn screening results came back and it indicates she either has CF (cystic fibrosis) or is a carrier and the test for that can't be done until she is at least 8 pounds. We knew this was a possibility as Sarah and Cailyn are carriers so please pray she is JUST a carrier and peace for us as we wait until the test can be done.
  • Complete healing for her tongue and everything in her mouth!!! We are still daring to hope for this and will continue to pray it over her no matter how long it takes.
  • Pray that there are no other unknown issues, particularly neurological.
Prayer needs for the rest of us:
  • Alessa is still sick though improving and Raina seems to be a bit sick as well so pray for our other girls to be healthy so that when they are allowed they will be able to visit Brinley.
  • Prayer for Sarah and me - This one needs a paragraph or two on its own:
The last couple of days has been something of an emotional struggle for us both. We are hurting for our little girl naturally and sometimes it gets overwhelming just thinking about what life is going to be like for the foreseeable future. The continued uncertainty about things is taking its toll and we're trying to just lay down our fears and anxieties. Dividing our time between Brinley and the other 3 and trying to get some work done is also draining mentally and physically. Please pray for endurance, health and good sleep for us. Pray for peace in our hearts and minds amid the uncertainty and that we would be able to let God supply all our needs.
Yesterday, as I was driving, I was feeling pretty downhearted and discouraged and I remembered what Andy spoke about on Sunday about taking the time to listen to God and not just talk at him. I've done plenty of talking and asking so I gave listening a chance. I drove in silence to the hospital trying to not let my mind wander, especially to all the fears and anxieties vying for my attention. Now, maybe some of you are experts at silently waiting for God to speak but my mind wanders easily so this was a challenge for me. The one and only thing I heard during that drive was "Be still and know that I am God". So, I'm trying to figure out what it means to know that He is God. I'm continuing to lean on Him because apart from Him I'm a wreck. I got to hold her for a couple hours today so that was great! We love her so much. 

Pray, pray, pray! Thank you all again so much!

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