Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This Little Piggy

We have a surgery date for the removal of lil miss Brinley's extra toes (and endoscopy).  Feel free to put it on your calendars so you remember to pray- Friday, January 16, 2015. Woo-hoo? Ever since Brin's birth we have been joking around that there needs to be a new "This Little Piggy" song to account for the 6th toe. Anyone feeling creative?

This little piggy went to the Dr
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had therapy
This little piggy had none
This little piggy played the piano
This little piggy went wee-wee-wee all the way to the bathtub.

OK, so someone out there can do better than that...submissions can be made in the comments section below ;)
Brinley is currently obsessed with her hands.

Cailyn turned 6 earlier this month and requested a Frozen party. 
Of course she was too busy to let me take a picture of her. 

Nurse M still loves Brin :) 

Melt my heart 

The girls celebrating my grandfather's 90th birthday

Alessa, 2 going on 20 

One of Brinley's favorite places on the planet 
CORE Physical Therapy (Seriously, if anything hurts, go there.) 

Hands and knees during PT the other day! 

Further proof that we do have the best nurses. 
*permission was given to post these pictures ;) 

Happy early Thanksgiving everyone! Thank you so much for praying for us these past 7?! months. We are grateful for each of you. Stay safe and warm!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Long Awaited Video Update

Herein I reveal my utter need for a shave and a haircut whilst sharing how our little Brinley Noel is doing. I do this using the most advanced of techniques known as the selfie video which wert then uploadethed to the YouTubes for worldwide distribution. Please enjoy and continue to keep us in your prayers!