Greetings to all our fantastic friends, family members and devoted readers! Thank you all for praying; Brinley had a straightforward surgery, meaning nothing unexpected happened, which is good. She now has her feeding tube, a la a Mic-key button and the Nissen fundoplication was also done to address the reflux. We now need to wait as she heals and recovers until she is able to start ramping up her feeds back to full and hopefully weening off the respirator. This will be the crucial part to see if her breathing issues are indeed taken care of. Pray for swift recovery so she can come off painkillers quickly since they can cause her digestive system to slow down.
We will try to keep everyone updated over the next few days but we will be busy with learning how to care for little Brinley and don't know what kind of time we'll have.
Hopefully Brinley doesn't kill me when she's older for posting this picture of her but I think she looks adorable even though she's pretty well stoned here.
That last sentence made me laugh. I was just thinking how beautiful she looks and that her features are finally becoming more defined and personal. Nothing like being drugged up to relax the facial features! :-P So glad the surgery went well. Prayers that the Nissen does in fact solve the big problems. Love and hugs!