"We're going to die!" they shrieked.
"Don't be afraid!" Moses said.
"But there's nothing we can do!" they screamed.
"God knows you can't do anything!" Moses said. "God will do it for you. Trust him. And watch!"
"But there's no way out!" they cried.
"God will make a way!" Moses said.
Another minute and it would have been over. But then the strangest thing happened...
This is a passage from the Jesus Storybook Bible, the bible we read to our kids at night. This is the conversation Moses has with the people of Israel after Pharaoh finally relents and lets them go but then chases them down with his army. The story is in Exodus 14-15 if you want to read it. This was the story I read to my girls for bedtime tonight and this section made me very emotional; Sarah and I are the Israelites right now and we're just praying and waiting for our "strangest thing" to happen, whatever it might be. For the Israelites it was the Red Sea being split in 2 and a dry pathway opening up. I will admit I have my doubts that a way will open for us but that is the place we need to get to in our relationship with God right now.
Brinley is now on additional respirator support because of her apneic episodes and their increasing frequency. We got to spend some time with her today and as I held her, any time she started to fall asleep her breathing rate would drop far enough that her O2 level would become very low, sometimes down into the 40's or even lower. Then we would stimulate her, rub her head and feet, waking her up and she would bring her O2 level back up without any help. But she couldn't get any rest this way so they eventually agreed that she needed the respirator to help her out. She will get a consult from neurology tomorrow with plans for an ECG and MRI as they try to figure out what might be going on. Now that she is on support her bottle feeding might be postponed for a bit so that is a small setback.
Holding her was great; she loves sucking on a pacifier (we call it a bucka in our family) and was happiest when I kept it in her mouth. Her feeds are going great and she is pretty much up to a full feed, which is great; she's gaining weight, so that at least is going in the right direction. I wore a mask as I held her since I'm still a bit sick and didn't want to give her any germs but she didn't seem to frightened by it (she's already seen a lot in her short life). I need to use a thesaurus for the word great. Next time.
We are praying for your "Red Sea" to be split in two. In Him all things are possible. Just before that passage, it says God led them to the longer desert road. Just remember while you travel the desert road He is still guiding and it leads to a place where you will see Gods power revealed. We love you guys and continue to pray.
ReplyDeleteWe continue to "war" here in Red Creek!! We are praising God for all the prayers answered and will now add total healing of apnea to our list!!! May knowing others are "standing in the gap" for you in prayer lift your spirits and give you more strength! You are a wonderful family and we are so thankful to be a part of God's healing process! God bless you!!! Bob and Theresa
ReplyDeleteThis has been my our help so many times along this steep, uncertain path: "We know that God causes ALL THINGS to work together for the good for those who love Him..." Even this. In your sufferings He is WITH YOU. Prayers and lots of love. Loriann and Smitty