Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Batnurse!

Today marks the birthday of one amazing human being without which the story of these past almost two years would be very different! Peter, you are an amazing husband and father. You are a diligent worker, problem solver, Jesus follower and we love and appreciate you and all you do!

I found this t-shirt for the man himself

Words cannot express how much I love these two (this picture was taken on Christmas day in VA beach!)

We have a few prayer requests as well
*Due to our annual deductible insurance plan billing for Brinley's health items can get really crazy. This year Medicaid changed a lot of their approval guidelines (which we were not aware of until yesterday) and we're having a hard time getting a doctor to write up the paperwork to pre-approve Brinley's next dose of a medicine called synagis (Synagis is a prescription medication that is used to help prevent a serious lung disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children at high risk for severe lung disease from RSV.) 
Please pray that we can figure this out as our options are nearly exhausted and it would cost us just over 6k to do it out of pocket!

*We are headed back to both the plastic surgeon and ENT next Monday. These are "regular" check ups in a sense but we know that surgery for Brin's cleft palate will be on the discussion board. I'm hoping and praying there are no other surprises! It seems that things are going very well for our little girl but you can never get too comfortable when the Dr's are looking for things that are wrong. Just pray for peace for Peter and I and great wisdom for both of the doctors. They have not seen Brinley in almost a year!

*We have a potential nurse coming this tomorrow night.... Please pray that we will know quickly if this will be a good fit for our family. 
I'll leave you with a couple pictures from our trip...

Can't wait to celebrate 10 years with this man in April!

The whole gang on Christmas

Double trouble

We found a Llama at the zoo! The Llama Llama books are Brinley's favorite!

The cousins- we decided not to throw Brin up there ;)

The brothers

The sisters

Me and my super cool nephew

Brin kept trying to steal Peter's phone

Our fun bunch

Rochester party!

Happy New Year everyone!
Thank you for your prayers, please keep them coming!

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