Thursday, October 16, 2014

5 Months of Brinley (now that she's almost 6!)

It's been so long since I last wrote to you all that I don't remember what I need to include to bring you all up to speed so if I repeat anything you already know please forgive me. 
I'll speak mainly in generalities for this post since the days are starting to blend together with some great days sprinkled in with a lot of very draining ones. Most of the time we're just trying to survive the day but we're beginning to get to the point where we can think about conquering them. We are so thankful for God's grace through this insane adventure, without which we would surely by now have regressed to living like feral beasts (just feeling melodramatic). And now, bullet points!
  • Brinley is killing it with her PT, getting stronger and more mobile
  • Surgery for her feet (ENT will do the endoscopy at the same time to plan the mouth surgery) is down to two possible dates and we will have details soon
  • A new favorite word of mine is perspicacity
  • We're starting to feel a bit isolated so we'll have to start getting creative
  • Speech continues to be challenging due to Brin's tongue. She is finally starting to enjoy the sessions at least. We have smashed our previous record of two good sessions in a row!
  • She has now switched from Ranitidine to Omeperozole to manage her reflux
  • Brinley is getting huge. Around 18 pounds now.
  • We have three nurses now and are getting all of the day time (plus two evenings a week) hours that we want. Please pray for a night nurse to step up! We seriously need sleep.

Picking out her own toys- thanks nurse C!

Sneaking applesauce (don't worry, suction was nearby) 

First time grabbing a toy by herself! 
Brin has the best team of therapists around

Naptime with nurse J 

5 Months old 

Nurse "M" can not get enough of us. 
She used peanut butter to get a whole ton of tiny burrs out of Raina's hair- on her day off! 
My mom has a theory that nurse M comes to get stories to pass along. Not a bad theory. 

First ever ballet class for Alessa 

Our Family 
(Thank you Picture My Heart Photography for another beautiful session!)

Big sisters making sure Brin was dressed to impress before hanging out with her friends 

Little loves 

All the "D" cousins apple picking 

You light up our lives

*From Sarah- Peter will post a double video update soon. There is one thing we left out of this post that Brin wants to show you herself. This update has been almost two weeks in the making already..... and I know you all have been waiting to hear and see more! Thank you again for hanging with us on this journey. Please continue to pray. The big sisters have hit a rough patch. We have been "screen" free for a week to see if that helps settle things down. We know they have been through a lot this past year as well and are trying to have a mixture of firmness and grace.

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