Monday, July 28, 2014

A long overdue update

It's hard to know where to start after more than 3 weeks away from you all but I'll begin with this: Sarah and I are doing well and little Brinley is doing great! Life is busy and exhausting but in that I think we are not alone. Since bullet points have been very popular and it helps me organize my thoughts let's get to some:

  • Brinley went on her first vacation. We got to spend a week up at Indian Lake with Sarah's family. It was a nice time and although relaxing comes at a steeper price these days. We did get to do some and having family around to help with the kids and just spend time with was great! She did great despite some concern midweek about a low heart-rate (more on that soon)
  • Brinley had a couple of great appointments today with pulmonary and ENT. Pulmonary is very pleased with how well she's doing and because of her apnea type symptoms that she continues to display will be trying her out on prevacid to see if what we are seeing is due to reflux. Her ENT doctor was very impressed at how well her mouth, chin and jawline are developing and was surprised at how much progress she'd already made on her own. To this we can only say thank you God for answering all the prayers going up for Brin.
  • Brinly is getting rather huge. She is up to 13lb. 6oz.
  • She has started her physical and speech therapies and is making some good progress. Her speech therapies will be a long road as we work on getting her tongue to lie flat so she can work on swallowing, eating and speaking. This is an important one so please make this a Brin prayer priority!
  • Her eyes are getting better with focusing, though she is still on Robinul, albeit a very low dose.
  • Another prayer point: that the nursing care would begin very soon. If I had to estimate I would say within the next 2 weeks but we don't have a definite yet.
  • There's a lot more to say but I am very nearly asleep typing this so I will leave you with a bunch of pictures and a couple of videos to enjoy and we'll write another update soon to fill in the gaps.
  • Thanks to everyone that continues to bless us in so many ways!

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