Saturday, June 11, 2016

Happy 2 Year Homeaversary!

If you hadn't noticed, our blog has gone fairly quiet. That's a good thing in many ways because it means that life has gained a sense of normalcy (though a different normal than we used to have). Things are, in many ways, routine; Brinley is making steady progress on all fronts. She has finally crawled! She doesn't just up and go on her own but she will move her own arms and legs for PT when put in the right position. It's a great thing to see.

Brin just had her first ENT appointment since her tongue reconstruction surgery and his reaction was everything we hoped it would be. He was amazed that she actually now has a tongue! He loved it and he agreed with what we have been thinking about the trach, in that it is no longer really about helping her breath but more for secretion management. We will be scheduling her swallow study to happen in the next couple months then follow up with ENT in the early fall with a decent chance of having her trach out if the results of the swallow study are favorable. The big question now is if she will be able to keep her lungs clear and swallow her secretions properly without the trach in place to suction out anything she might aspirate.

One big reason for a post today is that this day, June 11, marks the 2 year anniversary of Brinley coming home from the NICU! She's come an amazingly long way in those 2 years as the pictures will show. We are so thankful to God for getting us all through this, for taking care of Brinley, for making her such a joy to so many people! She makes life bright. We know without a doubt that we would not be anywhere where we are without all of your prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Going forward we will probably only be posting major milestones and updates here on the blog. We still want you all to know Brinley's progress but there just isn't much to write about right now (thank God!). If we DO get the trach out this year, you can be sure we'll be throwing a party ;)

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