We had so many people bless us after surgery. Nurses working extra shifts, nurse M stopping by with belated Christmas presents and donuts ;) Family, church family with meals- thank you all so very much!
-Brinley's toes are healing up very well (I have decided not to include pictures yet, but you can ask for some if you're a "blood n guts" sort of person.). She has her second post-op appointment next Wednesday and hopefully we will get the all-clear to get her in regular footwear. All that's left now are a few scabs and shiny patches of new skin.
She fell asleep like this on the way home from the hospital
Picking the stuffing out of her bandanges
Dressing change (1x/day)
-Speech therapy is going. It's a slow process but is becoming more enjoyable for little "Twinkle Toes" as nurse C calls her.
-Special Education (or play therapy) is going great! Even two weeks ago the therapist would frequently have to distract Brinley from looking at her hands to try to get her to play with the toys, but the past few sessions she has not had to redirect her at all! The kid LOVES to play with toys now.
Reaching/pulling with just one hand supporting her sit
-Brin is sitting on my lap helping dictate this post, just so you know!
-Physical therapy is going very well. She has made so many strides the last week or two. K left yesterday's session ecstatic with her progress! We're working on sitting while playing (officially called an active sit) and she can currently sit while supporting herself with one arm and can play with the other one. So much fun! K- Brin's PT also teaches pediatric PT at a local college. Two weeks ago the three big girls went in to be models and help the students learn how to do evaluations. They had so much fun and they earned their first paychecks! This week was Brinley's turn in the medically fragile portion. She rocked it out and it was fun to see the students grow in confidence and have a safe place to ask questions and really check out the medical stuff (trach, g-tube site, oximeter.). I just love the fact that they don't have to walk into their first evaluation having never seen a trach, held or positioned a child, etc. We felt blessed to be part of their training! Today, while we were there K hooked Brin up to this harness (she looked like she could jump out a plane in it) and put her on a mini treadmill. The idea is that once they feel the ground move under their feet the reflexes to walk will kick in. Brin did a little bit on her own and even jumped with both feet which looked very frog-like and was thoroughly entertaining!
Brin sort of loved this student...I had never seen her flirt before!
"She works out!"
-Myofascial therapy has slowed down just because of surgery and sickness but we will be heading back tomorrow. At her last session E worked on circulation and alignment in Brinley's legs in hopes of helping the toes heal more quickly. The next day we noticed that the crease in the back of her head was much shallower. Thus proving that everything is connected!
-Family life is great. While there are definitely ups and downs we feel absolutely blessed to be Cailyn, Raina, Alessa and Brinley's mom and dad. Some day we will sleep again. Some day there will be sunshine, but until then we have peppermint oil, coffee, TV, books and wrestling matches.
Cailyn reading Cat In The Hat to baby sis
Decade day at school 80's girl
Daddy and some of his women
Bunny from nurse M and the NICU days, not sure whose cheeks are bigger!
Not sure why we're green?!
One day I hope to post a more personal/emotional piece, but this month has been so insane that this post is long enough! There are cute video clips and such that I just don't have the time to deal with tonight but I do hope that you have enjoyed seeing how your prayers have affected our little Brinley and her family. Please keep them coming! God's peace and presence in our lives has been what has not only made us survive this whirlwind, but honestly come to thrive as well. We wouldn't trade our little Brinley Noel for the world. God bless you all! Goodnight.
Your post is a wonderful testimony. Thank you for sharing. You are all in our prayers!