Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Another Good Day

Today was a good day. We got the test results that indicate infection (I forget the name of it...too many names!) back today. I happened to be in the room when the nurse saw them and she let out a squeal of delight. Apparently yesterday her (whatever) number was over 100 and today it was 43! This means that we ARE back on track for Thursday's procedure with the ENT. Brinley will start up on steroids tomorrow in preparation for it. Basically, a lot of the answers to questions we have about the extent of her abnormalities, how she will be able to eat and breathe stably, when we will be able to hold her and even bring her home, will be determined by this procedure. She will be under partial anesthesia and will have a morphine drip. The  ENT will take her breathing tube out, use a scope to look around and then decide the best way for her to breath. She may or may not come out of this with a tracheostomy. Obviously, this is a huge step and we covet your prayers for Brinley to tolerate it well and not get another infection. For wisdom for the ENT to know the best way to treat what he finds. For us as we wait for her to come out of the OR and as we find out and process whatever it is they find.

Rewind to this morning...when we called to check in with the nurse to see how she did overnight we were informed that they were unable to get the pic line in. This type of line is like a deep IV that lasts longer with less risk for infection. They had given her morphine to sedate her. When we heard they were going to try in her other arm today I knew it was time to call in the "big guns!" Our church's intercessory prayer group just happens to meet on Tuesday mornings. Perfect. When the nurse came out to tell Peter they were able to get the line in she said "You must have people praying." Apparently the NP was about to give up and try again later when she got the line in and around some complicated area or something. Anyhow, Peter was able to say Yes, we did have people praying! The other good thing is that she has gone from 5mls of breastmilk to 26mls in about two days and is tolerating it beautifully! They will have to go back down on her feeds for a little while after Thursday, but do not anticipate any problems bringing it back up as she recovers.

The big sisters also did very well today. Please keep praying for grace for them. Peter has been getting some stress stomach aches and is trying dietary changes to help, so he could use prayer for that. I am still healing well but could definitely use some supernatural energy! Thank you so much for the love, support and meals! If you live in the area and are interested in bringing a meal, e-mail my mom, Mary Louise at mlfreda@yahoo.com.

Now for the eye candy:


  1. Praise you, Jesus!! This is such exciting news.
    And P.S. She is SO STINKIN CUTE!

  2. Yay! We are praying every day. She is so cute! Can't wait to meet her in person :)

  3. Thank you for taking the time to write this blog. I really appreciate reading your blog, it always inspires me to pray for you and Brinley. She is adorable. We love you all!!!!

  4. She is so beautiful! Praise God for the good report. Thank you for being honest and vulnerable with us. It helps us to know how to pray. When you are weak He is STRONG! We all have your back in prayer, so when you struggle with faith for the moment let us cover you and know that you are not alone. Someone else's faith and strength in Christ is covering you. This is how the body of Christ works together. God is great and greatly to be praised!

  5. Thank you, Lord, for GOOD news! :) Definitely will keep praying... hugs to you all! <3
    -Becca M.
