Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Rich and Weary Road

Where to start...this past month has been a bit emotional around here. I think it is a culmination of two years of hard stuff. We are just tired. And broke ;) As some of you may know I miscarried in the spring of 2013. I will never forget it. It happened an hour before we celebrated Alessa's 1st birthday. Anyhow, that hit me really hard and I am not quite sure I was really prepared to be pregnant again when Brinley came along. It was a pukey and painful pregnancy, then boom! She was here and our world was turned upside-down! We have learned that some things, or people, are worth learning to walk on the ceiling for (if we're going with the upside down analogy). Brinley is a blessing to our family and everyone else who takes a moment to look into her eyes and see who she is. God has given her, and us, a ministry that is much different and bigger than we ever would have thought or imagined. Each time I write a blog post I try to convey what it is like around here and fall short. The ups, downs, ins and outs of the past two years are simply beyond words. The bottom line though is this, God has been, is and will continue to be faithful to our family. He has provided, through many of you, emotional, physical and monetary support- and how we have needed each one!

My challenge to you is this: come visit. We can have a bonfire, talk, meet at a playground, drink coffee, eat ice cream, order dinner, laugh, pray and maybe cry with you. We miss you. We want to know what is going on in your lives. I realize most people aren't up to hosting a large family. Our house may not be "showing ready" on most days, but we're beyond caring about all of that. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to come spend a few hours with us. If you're one of that group you may have heard the kids exclaim "Come in! Who is it?" In most houses those phrases are turned around, but honestly, that is our every day with nurses, therapists, supply company reps, 6 month agency check ins (x3) and more. Our nurses and therapists have become friends. It has been nothing short of breathtaking to watch how God has brought each one into our lives for one reason or another. It is exciting to see how they all work together to help our precious not-so-lil- Brin gain new skills.

Brinley is doing very well. She is FULL of life and personality. She is a master at sitting. She is just starting to be able to transition to/from sitting/hands and knees. She can stand with minimal support when she wants to, which isn't often lately. She's getting better at playing with toys (levers, in/out, tapping...). She LOVES people. Loves to smile. She has started shaking "no" and even smacking us in the face when she's really angry. She occasionally nods or says "yea" as well. She has continued to vocalize much more often. If you sing a song she is familiar with and pause, she will insert an "ah." **

The new patio- once the swingset was up we started giving away the "plastic jungle" that had been taking over the yard. We realized this could be a great space so voila! The classy seating is hopefully temporary while we save up for some adirondack chairs. There are also solar lights in that tree. We have already enjoyed some great s'mores and family as well as friend time here.

Colorado is stunning! Congratulations Rach!

Rocking these hats despite Josiah's strong discouragement

Always fun meeting new friends in unexpected places!

 Peter sent me this picture while I was in CO and I had to restrain myself 
from jumping on the next flight home!

In case you were ever wondering what it would look like if your 
kids asked for mac n cheese after dying the whole gallon of milk green

 Fun with Nurse C and family on a very hot Sunday morning

Speech master B and Brin. The jury is out on which of these two is 
more stubborn, they are perfect for each other!

Mom, look what Nurse H did to my hair!

 Uncle Sam is a great sport!

Brin was very unsure what to make of baby Slade, but aren't they just too cute!

When the table isn't big enough for everyone and you have already eaten...

Getting some PT in on our family vacation

Aubrey wanted glasses too 

Raina is such a great big sister!

Nurse J's favorite way to keep tabs on Alessa while Brinley is taking a bath.
Nurse C stuck them all in the big tub one night and let me tell you, these
girls all love group tubby time!

 Her current favorite toy- those shiny shakers are so passe!

Friends <3

 Some of our favorites came all the way from Tanzania to visit ;)

We're working on facilitated cruising. Let's just say Brin and Nurse C were not on
 speaking terms for a solid 5 minutes after this...

Alessa gets quiet for 20 seconds I and find her here...

My first time at the A Fair in over 20 years. 
Brin fell right asleep to the soothing noise of hundreds of people, music and rides.

Saint patron GG taking in the BMX show

Our favorite chainsaw carver R-Nurse H's boyfriend

Meet the newest Deeb, the girls said his name is Richie

Raina & Alessa riding dragons while

Peter takes Cailyn & cousin Jayna on a big kid ride- mama was NOT ready for this!

More swingset fun!

Brinley loves her swing!

A day at the lake


 Peter is trying to bring back sweatbands....Brinley is not amused

Cailyn's artwork is amazing, she definitely does not take after my side of the family!

First time I think one of my kids has fallen asleep completely upright. SEIT is no joke!

**Thank you to each and every one of you who are still praying for us. We still need it. Everyone does. God created each of us with a need for companionship to model how He loves and wants to commune with us. Continued prayer points:
*Tongue growth
*Brin has been teething like a mad woman. She now has one tooth in her lower "gumless" area, three molars and is working on the top left eye tooth. She's been a bit uncomfortable as you could imagine and has started grinding her teeth- ugh!
*My foot has been feeling much better. I was finally allowed to take my boot off this past Wednesday and while I can't work out yet, I am able to do normal mommy stuff with very little pain. I had to go on a bit of a shopping spree as I am not allowed to wear shoes with anything between the toes- take a look at your closet...I had no sandals left!
*The two big girls are starting school on the 9th and prayer for all of us during the first few weeks of transition would be very much appreciated.
*We are seriously considering homeschooling the girls next year, so if any of you have curriculum recommendations or tips on managing sanity, quarterly reports, whatever...they would be most welcome!
*Health for each one of us. At the moment Raina and I are both feeling a little under the weather.

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